
Parents’ Testimonials on BC Buddies events:

  • I was just happy to have had the opportunity for [my daughter] to be able to make these connections
  • A parent responded that her daughter had found a new friend and they arranged a playdate shortly after the event – “[She] made a new friend.  They exchanged phone numbers and [her friend] actually happens to be at our house today.”
  • “The favourite part of the afternoon for me was bringing my granddaughter from not wanting to be there and not wanting me to leave TO “bye Grandma, I met a new friend”.  It was a big relief.  And the pizza, ice cream and games in and out was great.”

Student and Teacher Testimonials regarding the 1:1 peer support received through Skype:

I liked how my mentors shared both of their experiences with me and I have learned from that, which was that I shouldn’t keep my deafness to myself and pretend that I don’t need any support. I also liked the fact that they used easy technology to communicate by using Skype video call and the instant messaging over Skype to communicate as well as a bit of sign language when I didn’t understand.

– Student

The mentors from the Peer Support Program played a very important role in high school to college transition planning for my student.  They shared very practical information and personal experiences. Their information and advice gave my student the confidence to advocate for herself.  With ‘knowledge’ in hand she had greater independence and could make good decisions for herself. The mentors took advantage of user friendly technology and committed the time to build a relationship with my student. They have also committed to continue mentoring her as she begins college.  They have been an important part of my student’s transition team.

– Ms. Susan Sanger, Hearing Resource Teacher (SD#23)

Website Testimonials

I had a chance to finally look through the updated resources on the website and it looks fantastic! I absolutely enjoyed the Summer series but I really liked the Hearing Loss in a Workplace the most. I read every word and I think the work this program did on this website was informative, well-laid out and easy to read. 

The disclosure at job interviews was really good because that is something I wonder about too sometimes, but now I have direction, so thank you!